Latest On My Desk

I share the most recent projects, tools, and technologies I’m working on as a software developer. Whether it’s a new app, a coding challenge, or a breakthrough in my development process, you’ll find it all here!


Identifiers in Node.js

Identifiers in Node.js are names used to refer to various entities, including variables, functions, classes, and modules. They help in accessing and m...

Node Js Identifiers Labels Objects Modules Classes Functions Variables

Query Strings in Node.js

The querystring module in Node.js provides utilities for parsing and formatting query strings. It allows to convert query strings to objects and vice...

Node Js Query String Parse Stringify Escape Unescape

Dynamically Injecting and Executing Inline Scripts with window.onload in JavaScript

JavaScript Window.onload Api Scripts Links Style Sheets

Reverting a Reverted Commit and Restoring Previous Changes in Git

On one of my live projects, I needed to work with JavaScript scripts related to Facebook Pixel, so I created a branch `add-fb-scripts`. After deplo...

Git Branch Commit Revert Tracking Merge