Restful and Third Party API

Techlio Pvt Limited, Beoe, Cygnis Media, Digitonics

<p>The <strong>"Restful and Third Party API"</strong> project highlights my extensive expertise in creating custom REST APIs and integrating third-party APIs across various organizations. I've developed tailored solutions at <strong>Techlio Pvt Limited</strong>, <strong>Cygnis Media</strong>, <strong>Digitonics</strong>, and <strong>Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment</strong>. This includes implementing secure authentication using JWT and Laravel Passport, building admin panels for data management, and facilitating seamless data sharing between government departments. Additionally, I've integrated a range of APIs such as payment gateways (<strong>Stripe, PayPal</strong>), <strong>OAuth</strong> connections (Facebook, Mailchimp), and utility APIs like <strong>DigitalOcean Spaces</strong> for efficient file management.&nbsp;</p>

The "Restful and Third Party API" project highlights my extensive expertise in creating custom REST APIs and integrating third-party APIs across various organizations. I've developed tailored solutions at Techlio Pvt Limited, Cygnis Media, Digitonics, and Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment. This includes implementing secure authentication using JWT and Laravel Passport, building admin panels for data management, and facilitating seamless data sharing between government departments. Additionally, I've integrated a range of APIs such as payment gateways (Stripe, PayPal), OAuth connections (Facebook, Mailchimp), and utility APIs like DigitalOcean Spaces for efficient file management. 

Techlio Pvt Limited:

Created custom REST APIs for internal Laravel applications.
Integrated third-party APIs to enhance functionalities, including payment APIs (Stripe, PayPal) and OAuth account connection APIs (Facebook, Mailchimp, Stripe).

Cygnis Media and Digitonics:

Developed backend REST APIs in Laravel to support mobile applications.
Managed entire backend functionality for mobile apps through Laravel, implementing JWT authentication and Laravel Passport.
Designed and implemented admin panels to manage and handle data for different projects.

Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment:

Developed custom REST APIs to facilitate data sharing between government departments such as National Bank of Pakistan, State Bank, FIA, and State Life Insurance.
Implemented daily data sharing routines to ensure seamless information exchange.

Integration of Third-Party APIs:

Integrated various third-party APIs across different projects:

  • Payment APIs: Stripe, PayPal.
  • OAuth Account Connect APIs: Facebook, Mailchimp, Stripe.
  • Other APIs: Stripe Elements, Cloudflare Zone API for custom host names.
  • Facebook APIs: Audience sharing, campaign management, Facebook Pixel IDs integration.
  • DigitalOcean Spaces: Integrated to manage images and files efficiently.